Medical & Health Info

State Requirements for Medical and Health Information

Requirements for Day Care Centers in the State of West Virginia: HEALTH, NURTITION, AND SAFETY REGULATIONS:
Evidence of the general state of each child’s health, presented by the child’s parent or guardian upon admission and every 2 year thereafter to the day care facility, shall be maintained by the day care operator and kept up-to-date.  If medical problems are suspected at any other time, the director may request additional medical examination.

A. A current written statement from a physician describing the child’s health status, indicating any unusual conditions of which staff must be aware.

B. A record of immunizations, signed by a physician or public health official, include rubella, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyethelitis, tine test, HIB, and other designed by the West Virginia Department of Health.  If immunizations are not complete at the time of a child’s admission, a written plan for completion, signed by a physician or public health official, should be on file.  Immunizations shall be completed in accordance with the written plan.

C. Children between the ages of 6 weeks and 3 months of age must have a signed statement by the child’s licensed health care provider permitting the child to enter group care.

D. The Child Health Assessment that is included in your child’s application is the record that must be filled out, no other substitution may be made.

E. All Child Health Assessments are due 30 days from date of enrollment.

For the health and well being of all children who attend Bright Start Learning, the center is unable to provide care for children who are ill.  If a child is ill, DO NOT BRING HIM OR HER TO THE CENTER. If a child is ill when he/she arrives at the center, it will be determined whether the child will be allowed to remain for the day.  If a child becomes ill while at the center (this includes; fever of 101 degrees or over, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, discharge of eyes/ears, green discharge from nose,) or if the child is unable to participate in daily activities the parent will be notified immediately and arrangements must be made to pick up the child within the hour after being notified.  All parents need to have alternate persons for pick up.  NOTE: if a child becomes ill or has a temperature in excess of 101 degrees at the center for a minimum of 2 consecutive days, the child will not be accepted back into the center without a doctor’s note stating that the child does not have a contagious illness. For conditions, viruses, or common illnesses that are highly contagious, all parents will be notified via a newsletter from the director, with information about the illness and center policy regarding length of time the child must be removed from the center.

BSLC will not administer prescription or non-prescription medication to a child without written authorization given by the parent and physician.  All prescription medication must be presented in the prescription bottle with the medical directions on it. Before staff members can give any medication to the children, parents must fill out an “Authorization for Medication” form.  Your child’s teacher will give to you upon request of medication.


15.4.h.1. A center shall only administer medication with written permission from the child’s parent, and with a prescription or a written order from a licensed health care provider except as provided for in Section 15.4.h.7.

15.4.h.7  The center administers oral non-prescription medication for no more than three (3) consecutive days within a thirty (30) day period without written instruction from a licensed health care provider.

15.4.h.7.B.  The center applies non-prescription topical products (ointments, creams, or lotions) for no more than five (5) consecutive days within a thirty (30) day period without written instruction from a licensed health care provider.  Sunscreens or lip balms used for preventative purpose are excluded from this requirement.