“The Busy Bee’s” (2-year Olds)

Toddlers are very interested in their peers and look forward to seeing the familiar faces of friends each day. Their attention span is beginning to increase and the activities in the Toddler group reflect their new skills. More time is spent doing activities together as a group, such as playing with play-dough or creating a finger painting. Our toddler teachers offer challenging hands-on activities and guide them in positive ways. The classroom is organized with centers for play such as a home living area and block center with various manipulative toys to create, build, and work with a friend. Toddlers begin to want to do things for themselves, and make choices. A variety of toys are accessible to the children, on low shelves.
We encourage the children to take care of their classroom by putting the toys away before a new activity begins. We do assist parents in potty training and teachers will complete a daily report for each child. This gives parents information on how well their child ate, diaper changes or toilet training progress, the length of their nap, and any other information that may be helpful to know.
Each child is evaluated before transitioning to the next classroom and may vary depending on the child.