“The Nursery” ( 6 weeks – 9 mos.)

Although the infant room does not have a written curriculum, they do many fun and challenging age appropriate activities that are planned by the teachers. Daily activities include songs, dancing, story time, and music. The same underlying principle of active learning hands-on experiences applies. Bright Start staff addresses the differing physical needs of the infants and their needs are met on demand.
Parents of children in the Nursery and Waddler classrooms will be required to complete an individualized schedule for your infant to help the providers know what your child’s needs are and what their normal habits and schedules are at home. Your child will also be assigned a Primary Caregiver, although all the teachers and aides in the classroom will provide care to your child.
Parents with children in the Nursery, Waddler, and Toddler classrooms must provide the following for their child:
- A supply of pampers and wipes
- (2) changes of clothes to be kept at the center at all times
- If you are providing the center with formula and are using cereal or baby food products, you are responsible to supply the center with these items on a daily basis.
- All items must be labeled with your child’s first and last name, and the date you bring the items into the center. Food and cereal must be sealed; we can not accept open items.
- All breast milk supplied to the center must be stored in a hard plastic container. No bags can be used. All containers must be labeled with date the milk was expressed.
State regulation 16.2b states; “The center shall offer solid foods and fruit juices to infants 6 months of age and younger only upon the recommendation of the parent and the child’s licensed health care provider. We must have written permission from the child’s health care provider to do so.
The State Licensing agent requires that we put your infant on their back to sleep to help prevent SIDS. If you want us to lay your infant on their belly, you must get a letter from your child’s physician stating a medical reason for doing so. There are no exceptions.
Each child is evaluated before transitioning to the next classroom and may vary depending on the child.