“The Waddlers”: (9 mos – 15 mos.)

The Waddler classroom is spacious and allows the infants freedom to explore. Our adult child ratio is one teacher per four children. The small group of eight children provides an atmosphere with minimal distractions, and enables the teacher to be available to satisfy each child’s needs while engaging in close interactions. Our young infants in this group are developing rapidly and have plenty of opportunities to climb, slide and ride indoor gross motor equipment. A variety of interesting toys are accessible to the children. Our teachers encourage exploration and provide familiar routines by following a schedule of planned activities; however, children’s needs are still met on demand. Enjoying music is a part of their daily activities. Art is offered as a physical and sensory experience, as the emphasis is on the process of creating. We have an outdoor area for infants to enjoy if the weather permits.
Nutritious meals are prepared on site by our full time cook. We offer milk and other fluids in a toddler cup and encourage parents to also make the transition from the bottle to a cup. Children are learning to feed themselves and are becoming independent at this age. Therefore, children are allowed to feed themselves and are assisted as much as necessary. Parents are asked to supply two changes of clothing, diapers, and wipes. We have blankets and sheets here at the center, unless you prefer to bring one from home that your child is familiar with. Each day a daily report will be completed for your child. This is one way we communicate to parents about your child’s day, such as how well they ate, frequency of diaper changes, length of nap, and any other information you may need or want to know.
Each child is evaluated before transitioning to the next classroom and may vary depending on the child.